
Dataset used

In order to carry out its scientific objectives, SOC-MISC uses secondary data : population registers and survey data from Finland, France and the United Kingdom.


No nominative personal data will be disclosed. Scientific analyses will be based on pseudonymized data only. Scientific publications will show only aggregated and anonymous data.

Lawfulness of processing

The controller for data processing is Ined, with the exception of the processing of the following databases, which are under joint controllership : 

  • Finnish population register 1998-2017: joint controllership between Ined and Universtiy of Helsinki
  • Scottish hospital data & SLS 1991-2022: joint controllership between Ined and University of St Andrews
  • FinHealth 2011, FinHealth 2017, FinSote 2018, and AHT: Study of adult health, wellbeing and service use 2013-15: joint controllership between Ined and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

The data processing is based on the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, solely for scientific research purposes.

Rights of data subjects

Data protection regulations grant you the right to oppose the processing of your data, to access your data and obtain a copy, to complete or rectify your data, and to request its deletion or limitation. These rights may be exercised by contacting the lead researcher, Heini VAISANEN (INED). You can also obtain information on the legal framework of the study from Ined’s Data Protection Officer. If you deem that INED has not respected your rights, you can lodge a complaint with the Cnil. To exercise these rights, simply contact us.

You can contact the lead researcher at the following email address:  

You can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the following email address:

INED’s address :  Institut national d’études démographiques, Campus Condorcet, 9 cours des Humanités, CS 50004, 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex. 

If you are a data subject of a dataset under joint controllership (see above under “Lawfulness of processing”), you may also contact the joint controller to exercise your rights : 

Data recipients

Only members of the SOC-MISC project will access datasets.

Retention period of pseudonymized data

The SOC-MISC team will have access to the datasets for six years.